Pension Wise

Pension Wise

Pension Wise is a government scheme which gives you more freedom to decide what happens to your pension pot. Our role is to offer you support and guidance to understand the scheme, its tax implications and to offer guidance on how you can make the most out of your pension. If you’re approaching retirement age and would like to speak to one of our trained guidance specialists, then get in touch to discuss your defined contribution pensions options.

Understanding Pension Wise

We’re here to talk through your options when it comes to managing your defined contribution pension. We aim to give you the information you need to empower you to use your pension in the way that suits you best. Note, the Pension Wise service does not constitute regulated financial advice and we won’t recommend any financial products to you.

You can have a face-to-face appointment with one of our specialist staff at Western Isles Citizens Advice Service, email the bureau or you can find out more information on the Government’s Pension Wise website.